“As every man hath received the gift,
even so, minister the same one to another,
as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”
1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)
We know that none of us can do everything alone. As individuals coming together in a community, we need each other and the partnerships we make to serve God inside the church, outside of it, in our local communities, and beyond. Working together as a church gives us the opportunity to witness together, and enjoy shared prayer, study, and experiences. We strive to live by Christ’s example to love, encourage, and grow together as we all walk together in Christ’s footsteps.
Prayer Chain:
Could you, or someone you know use some prayer on their behalf? We all go through challenges in our lives, and these burdens are lighter when they are carried together, and with God. We currently have a team of 16 who pray for those requested, and all requests are kept in confidence.
For items to be added to the Prayer Chain, please email prayerchain@
Our Pastoral Care Team
If you know someone in the congregation who could benefit from hearing from their Church Family, please contact Kaitlyn Power (calvinhalifax@bellaliant,com or 902-455-7435). Cards will be sent from the pastoral care team to those who are identified as grieving, celebrating a special occasion, or a “Thinking of You” or “Get Well” wish.
The Halifax West Ecumenical Food Bank
Donations of non-perishable food items to the Food Bank can be placed in the shopping cart just inside the front doors of the church. Monetary donations should be earmarked ‘Food Bank’ and can be placed into the offering plates on any Sunday morning.
If you would like to donate directly, monetary donations in the form of cash or cheques can be sent to their Treasurer, Russell Cooper, at 33 Chartwell Lane, Halifax, NS, B3M 3S7.
Cheques should be made payable to the Halifax West Ecumenical Food Bank. They will also accept e-transfers at the e-mail address halifaxwestfoodbank@gmail.com. If you leave your address in the comment section (or return address on posted donations), they will be sure to issue a tax receipt.
Breakfast Program
We currently support 20 families, (including over 35 children) on a weekly basis.
Items needed every week include cereal, granola bars, puddings, individually wrapped snacks, arrowroot cookies, fruit (applesauce, mandarin oranges, peaches, pears, fruit cocktail), pancake mix (just add water), oats, and 1L juices (apple, orange, fruit mixture).
If you would like to donate with your offering, please note “Mission and Outreach Breakfast Program” with your contribution. Any questions about this program – please contact Allison Power (calvinhalifax@bellaliant.com or 902-455-7435)
Calvin Food Cupboard
September 2023 marked the 2nd Anniversary of the Calvin Food Cupboard! With continued food price increases, we are seeing an increase in use.
Helpful items include canned meat (Flakes of Tuna/Chicken/Ham/Spam), Paper Towel/Toilet Paper bars of soap and toothpaste – dishwashing soap, Kraft Dinner canned soup and vegetables and pet food. Please see the donation box in the narthex or speak with Allison Power (calvinhalifax@bellaliant.com or 902-455-7435) or any member of the Mission and Outreach Team.