Calvin Church’s Weekly Announcements


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Below are our congregational announcements for the week of September 14th – September 21st (***Please be sure to check out the attached UPDATED calendar for more info!)

Pastoral Care Team Meeting – Sun. Sept. 15: (Reminder)

There will be a meeting of the Pastoral Care Team on next Sun., Sept 15 following worship.

Finance & Stewardship Team Meeting – Tues. Sept. 17: (New)

The Finance & Stewardship Team will be meeting on Tues. Sept. 17 @ 7:00 p.m. on ZOOM. All members are asked to please watch for their link to join the meeting to arrive in their email inbox.

Session Meeting – Wed. Sept 18: 

The Session will meet on Wed. Sept. 18 @ 7:00 p.m. at the church.

Organ Installation Update! (Updated)

Just a reminder that we are expecting the new organ to be installed next week (Sept 16-20). The proposed timeline for the installation is as follows:

Mon. Sept. 16 –  The new organ will arrive, the old organ will be removed, and most if not all of the “rough” install done that day.
Tues. Sept. 17 –  Finish off any rough install work—if necessary, settle positioning of cabinets and (hopefully) begin final voicing work
Wed. Sept. 18 – Fri. Sept. 20 –  Final voicing. May need all or part of all three days.

To ‘voice’ the organ (fine tuning its sound to optimize it for our sanctuary), the technicians will need to do a lot of detailed listening. As such, while the downstairs will still be usable, we’d ask people to please avoid using the upstairs area of the church and sanctuary while this work is being done.

Calling All Singers: (New)

A Choral Workshop will be held on Sat., Sept. 21, from 9:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at Bayers Rd. Baptist Church.  This has been put together by Faith Daley and Chris Grundke to give our choirs a fall boost as we start another singing year.  Our clinician will be Malcolm Bradley.  No fee, lots of fun and good cheer, anyone who feels drawn to singing for worship services is most welcome!   Speak to Faith if you are interested.

Pot-Luck Dinner & Trivia Night: (New) 

Join us on Sat. Sept. 28 @ 5:00 p.m. for a pot-luck dinner and trivia night. Bring a friend if you’d like. Bring something to share (maybe a food that speaks to you of ‘home’, or that takes you back to a special time of memory). And come enjoy a time of fun, fellowship, and more than a few laughs as our Saturday Night Socials return!

‘Socktober’ Mission Campaign: (New)

The mission and outreach team, to celebrate the third year anniversary of the food cupboard, will be looking for donations of T-shirts, underwear, blankets, and socks for both men and women in all sizes. These items are part of our Socktober campaign. We have learned that there is a desperate need for more than socks.  These items will be given to a contact we have who will distribute them among the folks who are living in the tent communities. We will collect items until Sunday, October 13. If anyone prefers to donate money simply earmark the offering for Socktober Mission & Outreach. Any questions can be directed to Allison Power, Stephanie Bilodeau, or anyone on the M&O team.

Faith Sharing Workshop: (New)

Interested in learning how to feel more comfortable sharing your faith with others? If so, please make plans to attend an upcoming Leadership Workshop that will be held here at Calvin, on  Sat. Oct. 5 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.  The workshop is open to anyone with an interest in this topic, not just Elders.  This is a free event.  The morning will consist of teaching time via ZOOM from Rev. Dr. Sarah Travis. (Knox College). Lunch will be provided.  Please include any dietary restrictions with your registration including name and contact information as well as home church.  The afternoon will be small group activities and discussion related to the morning presentation.  To register, please email Karen MacLeod, at, or by calling 902-890-9372. (please be sure to note any dietary restrictions!) Deadline for registration is September 27. (Please see attached flyer for more info)

Children’s ministries resume – Sun. Sept. 22: (Updated)

Our congregation’s Sunday School, Youth programming, and children’s ministries will be starting up again next week, on Sun. Sept. 22. Please be sure to watch for more details in the coming weeks!

Financial Corner – To August 31, 2024: (New)

To date To date
2024 Last Year

·      Envelope & Par Donations $ 68,642 $ 69,724
·      Presbyterian Sharing $ 12,044 $ 12,107
·      Investment Income $ 31,448 $ 30,368
·      Other  (Incl Special Funds)        $116,895        $103,875

Total Income All Sources $229,029 $216,074

Total Expenses $195,210 $ 202,772

Income – Expenses $ 33,819 $13,302

Sign Up sheets for those interested in reading Scripture or leading in prayer: 

Sign-up sheets for August 2024 – Dec 2024 are now on the table in the Narthex for anyone interested in signing up to either read scripture OR to lead in prayer during one of our Sunday worship services. There’s lots of spaces still available to sign up!!! Having different people share their voices, words, perspectives and prayers in worship has been a real blessing, and our hope is that you might consider sharing yours!

Choir Rehearsal: 

The choir meets on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. in the back meeting room downstairs. All are welcome to come, and join, and to share in Calvin’s music ministry!

Food Cupboard: 

Helpful items you can donate include: canned meat (Flakes of Tuna/Chicken/Ham/Spam)  Paper Towel/Toilet Paper bars of soap and toothpaste – dishwashing soap, Kraft Dinner canned soup and vegetables and pet food. Please see the donation box in the narthex or speak with Allison Power ( or 902-445-9161) or any member of the Mission and Outreach Team.

Pastoral Care Team:

If you know someone in the congregation that could benefit from hearing from their Church Family please contact Kaitlyn Power ( or 902-488-9161).  Cards will be sent from the pastoral care team to those who are identified as grieving, celebrating a special occasion, or thinking of you or get well wishes.

Bulletin Dedications:

You can now, once again, place dedications into the bulletins in celebration or memory of a special event or individual. Dedications can be made using the printed form on the table just outside the sanctuary, or online, at a suggested donation of $15 (which is used to offset printing costs). And if you don’t have $15, don’t worry. Just give what you can.

For those wishing to submit an please email the church at

(***PLEASE NOTE that online dedications must be submitted no later than the Wednesday immediately prior the Sunday on which they are intended to the printed)

Breakfast Program

Items needed on a weekly basis include cereal, granola bars, puddings, individually wrapped snacks, arrowroot cookies, fruit (applesauce, mandarin oranges, peaches, pears, fruit cocktail),  pancake mix (just add water), oats, and 1L juices (apple, orange, fruit mixture).  We currently support 21 families, (over 44 children) on a weekly basis. If you would like to donate with your offering, please note “Mission and Outreach Breakfast Program” with your contribution.  Any questions about this program – please contact Allison Power ( or 902-445-9161)

Prayer Chain:

For items to be added to the Prayer Chain, please email or speak to Allison Power (902-445-9161). Please ensure you have permission from the individual to have their name added to the list. Updates are also appreciated!  All requests are kept in confidence. We currently have a team of 16 who pray for those requested. If you feel called to be part of the Prayer Chain Team – please speak to Allison Power or Rev. Mike Koslowski.

Remember the Halifax West Ecumenical Food Bank!

Donations of non-perishable food items to the Food Bank can be placed in the shopping cart just inside the front doors of the church. Monetary donations should be earmarked ‘Food Bank’ and can be placed into the offering plates on any Sunday morning. If you would like to donate directly, monetary donations in the form of cash or cheques can be sent to their Treasurer, Russell Cooper, at 33 Chartwell Lane, Halifax, NS, B3M 3S7. Cheques should be made payable to the Halifax West Ecumenical Food Bank. They will also accept e-transfers at the e-mail address If you could leave your address in the comment section (or return address on posted donations), they will be sure to issue a tax receipt.

Who’s Who at Calvin

Not sure who’s who, or who to reach out and direct your questions to? Below are just some of those involve in leading our ministry here together at Calvin:

Minister: Rev. Michael Koslowski, B.A., M. Div.
Minister Emeritus: Rev. Dr. W. G. S. (Sydney) McDonald, B.A., D.D.
Elder Emeritus: Murray MacDonald
Music Director: Faith Daley, B.A., B.Ed.

Interim Clerk of Session: Lilla Tanner

Envelope Secretary:  Dan Campbell

Ministry Team Leaders

Worship and Congregational Life: Rev. Michael Koslowski
Mission & Outreach: Allison Power
Personnel & Ministry Opportunities: Lilla Tanner
Finance and Stewardship: Pam MacFarlane
Property & Maintenance: Marian Smith
Prayer Chain, Contact: Allison Power

Pastoral Care: Rev. Michael Koslowski


Rev. Michael Koslowski
Calvin Presbyterian Church
3311 Ashburn Ave., Halifax  N.S.
(o) 902-455-7435 (c) 902-402-6747